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Articles tagged with: enthusiasm

Naso: Commitment Spawns Enthusiasm

May 16, 2010 – 3:38 am | Comments Off on Naso: Commitment Spawns Enthusiasm2,647 views
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Completely Invested
Reb Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the third Rebbe of Chabad, (1) once related that his grandfather, Reb Schneur Zalman, offered to bless him with the intellectual gift that would make Torah study come easily to him. Reb Menachem Mendel refused saying that he wanted to invest his energies and acquire …

Ki Teze: Why Usury is Forbidden

August 19, 2007 – 1:57 am | Comments Off on Ki Teze: Why Usury is Forbidden2,603 views
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Usury is not inherently wrong. On the contrary, it is critical to the conduct of business . Usury encourages banks to extend mortgages and loans, it enables entrepreneurs to establish or expand their  business and it enables ordinary people to purchase homes and automobiles.


Vayakhel: Imperfect Devotion

March 19, 2006 – 3:36 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel: Imperfect Devotion3,281 views
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Last in Line
Have you ever attended a Bar Mitzvah where dinner was served buffet style? I really dislike those dinners and here is why. When the buffet is set out I examine the mouth-watering display and a battle rages within me about which treats I can afford to eat. By …

Pekudei: Learn to Love It

March 13, 2006 – 5:45 am | Comments Off on Pekudei: Learn to Love It2,671 views
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A Generous Text
This week’s Parsha continues the theme from the previous Parsha in describing our ancestor’s enthusiasm for building the Mishkan (tabernacle) and their exacting commitment to its great detail. After transmitting G-d’s detailed instructions for building the Mishkan the Torah could have simply concluded with the words “Vayasu Ken,” …