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Articles tagged with: equality

Shoftim: Ending Racism

August 15, 2020 – 11:00 pm | Comments Off on Shoftim: Ending Racism1,383 views

Racism is a social scourge that has taken many forms of expression throughout the ages. At its heart racism is rooted in the medieval caste society—the feudal lords and the surfs. If you were from noble extraction, you were considered inherently superior. If you were a serf, you were expected …

Shlach: Rewarding Excellence

June 25, 2016 – 11:08 pm | Comments Off on Shlach: Rewarding Excellence3,341 views

Right not Fair
When my son joined little league I was surprised that all teams, losing and winning, received trophies. I realize that no one wants to brand their team a loser, but if everyone is rewarded, effort and excellence are not incentivized. It is only by rewarding excellence that we …