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Articles tagged with: eternal

Vayera: The Final Journey

November 1, 2014 – 10:19 pm | Comments Off on Vayera: The Final Journey2,853 views
final journey -

Today I want to share a reflection for life’s final journey.
Abraham planted an Eshel[1] and our sages had two different explanations for what that was. Some said it was an orchard, others said it was an inn. Some name their inn, The Red Roof Inn, others name their inn, The …

Shmini: Whose Torah is it Anyway?

April 16, 2006 – 4:50 am | Comments Off on Shmini: Whose Torah is it Anyway?2,488 views
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Not for Me
“Rabbi, the Torah was written so many years ago. Its laws were never intended for the modern age, for the people of modern technology and enlightenment.” This pearl of wisdom was last dropped in my lap several weeks ago during a discussion about Torah and its laws.
