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Articles tagged with: excuses

Korach: Excuses, Excuses

June 2, 2013 – 4:55 am | Comments Off on Korach: Excuses, Excuses4,637 views
excuses - innerstream

The Process of Sin
Korach is an infamous name, synonymous with his rebellion against Moses and Aaron. The truth is that Korach never set out to lead a rebellion, he set out to nurse a grudge, but gradually his interests grew more and more grandiose until he sparked a rebellion. This …

Korach: Losing on Both Ends

June 18, 2006 – 6:06 am | Comments Off on Korach: Losing on Both Ends2,271 views
Taking out Trash

Korach Had His Reasons
In this week’s Parsha we read about the infamous Korach. Korach was smart, rich, and powerful. He was also a rebel. Worst than a rebel he was a jealous rebel. His rebellion was nearly successful and G-d found it necessary to stamp out his rebellion in the …