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Articles tagged with: festival

Re’e: The Missing Festival

August 4, 2018 – 11:47 pm | Comments Off on Re’e: The Missing Festival2,327 views

The festival of Sukkot falls on the fifteenth of Tishrei, two weeks into the new Jewish year. Accordingly, the Torah tells us, in Exodus 34:22, to celebrate Sukkot at the turn of the year. However, there is a discrepancy. Eleven chapters earlier, Exodus 23:16 told us to celebrate Sukkot at …

Mishpatim: Festival And Season

January 30, 2016 – 11:59 pm | Comments Off on Mishpatim: Festival And Season2,713 views
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The Name
The Jewish festivals celebrate the miracles of our history. The festival of Passover celebrates the exodus. Shavuot, celebrates the giving of the Ten Commandments. Sukkot, celebrates the miracles that our ancestors experienced during their journey through the desert.
The festivals are named according to the miracles that they commemorate. The …

The Festival and Shabbat

September 25, 2013 – 4:05 am | Comments Off on The Festival and Shabbat6,829 views
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Sanctity and Joy
When a Jewish festival falls on Friday, it merges directly  into Shabbat. This gives us pause as we reflect on the differences between the festival and Shabbat.
