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Articles tagged with: focus

Re’e: The Cellphone Problem

August 24, 2019 – 11:00 pm | Comments Off on Re’e: The Cellphone Problem1,455 views

Cellphone, a word my grandmother never heard, is a huge part of my life. People, the world over, communicate via cell phone to the extent that landlines are being phased out and snail mail is a thing of the past. But the convenience comes with a price. In fact, many …

B’midbar Forward Vision

May 13, 2007 – 4:08 am | Comments Off on B’midbar Forward Vision5,411 views
forward vision innerstream

Hair-Raising Drive
A friend of mine and his father were driving in the dead of night on a treacherous mountain road with razor-sharp curves and sheer cliff drops. His father seemed oblivious to the danger and drove along nonchalantly. When he inquired as to his father’s nonchalance, his father replied, “my …