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Articles tagged with: Hakhel

End of the Hakhel

September 2, 2023 – 10:52 pm | Comments Off on End of the Hakhel439 views

We are at the end of a hakhel year. The seventh year of the cycle is shemitah—the sabbatical, when the land is left fallow, and everything that grows belongs to everyone equally. The following year is hakhel; all farms, vineyards, olive groves, etc., are back in business.
Hakhel means to gather. …

Hakhel Gatherings on Sukkot

October 9, 2022 – 12:41 am | Comments Off on Hakhel Gatherings on Sukkot757 views

Hakhel: an international gathering of all Jews, men, women, and children, would take place once every seven years in Jerusalem. A platform would be erected in the Temple courtyard and the nation would gather to hear the king chant from the Torah. It always occurred on the second day of …