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Articles tagged with: Heart

Vayikra: Do It With Heart

March 5, 2022 – 10:38 pm | Comments Off on Vayikra: Do It With Heart1,078 views

Do it with heart, is the lesson we learn from the very first words that G-d ever uttered to Moses in the Tabernacle.
The very first time that G-d summoned Moses to the Tabernacle, G-d told Moses, “Go tell the Jewish people these captivating words: I am talking to you, you …

Vaykahel Pekudei: In Your Heart

March 6, 2021 – 9:48 pm | Comments Off on Vaykahel Pekudei: In Your Heart2,582 views

Is G-d in your heart, is He at least in your mind, or is He only in your deeds? A tabernacle can be built by deeds, but the most important tabernacle is built in the heart.
When G-d instructed Moshe to build the Tabernacle, the Jewish people contributed more materials than …