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Articles tagged with: judaism

Nitzavim: Democracy in Israel

September 2, 2018 – 5:37 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Democracy in Israel5,293 views

Is Israel a democracy or a theocracy? Here is the story:
The Tel Aviv municipality and the Ayalon Highway Company plan to build a new pedestrian and cycling bridge that would cross the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv, one of the country’s most congested freeways.
The Ayalon Highway Company planned to shut …

Chayei Sarah: Every Jew

October 31, 2015 – 11:58 pm | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Every Jew2,876 views
every jew -

Who Came first?
Do you remember when Al Gore took credit for inventing the Internet? You have to love it when people come along decades after something is in place and claim to have discovered it. Christopher Columbus “discovered” America, right? Wrong. Natives lived here for thousands of years before Columbus …