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Articles tagged with: kosher

Semini: Kosher Fish

April 7, 2021 – 4:49 pm | Comments Off on Semini: Kosher Fish1,095 views

Kosher fish have fins and scales. In the Torah’s words, “Any [creature] in the water that has fins and scales, those you may eat.”[1] Though fins and scales merely indicate that a fish is kosher, there must be a reason G-d chose these two indicators. Why do fins and scales …

Shemini: What Is Impurity

April 12, 2018 – 9:48 pm | Comments Off on Shemini: What Is Impurity2,788 views

Why does one who eats non-kosher food become impure? What does impurity even mean?
Hebrew is a delightful language and if we pay attention to the words we can often gain insight into the meaning. The Hebrew word for impure is ta’me. The word is comprised of three letters, a taf, …

Matos Masei: Resisting Peer Pressure

June 30, 2013 – 4:03 am | Comments Off on Matos Masei: Resisting Peer Pressure4,792 views
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The Dilemma
Resisting peer pressure is a common challenge. It is a mistake to think that this is only a problem for young people; it pervades every segment of society. You might attend a party and experience pressure to drink. You might attend a social evening and encounter pressure to gossip. …

Hypocrisy is not Kosher

March 31, 2013 – 5:45 am | Comments Off on Hypocrisy is not Kosher4,078 views
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The Positive First
Every Jewish child will tell you that kosher meat comes from a kosher animal. Most Jewish children will know that a kosher animal is one that has cloven hooves and chews its cud. Some might even know that there are four animals listed in the Torah that …

Shemini: Freedom to Eat

April 11, 2007 – 7:31 pm | Comments Off on Shemini: Freedom to Eat15,735 views
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The Buffet Dilemma
You are standing in front of a heaping buffet bursting with mouth watering delicacies. Your appetite is stimulated and your juices are flowing. The host grants you the freedom to indulge to your heart’s delight.
