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Articles tagged with: law

B’haalotcha: Club Rules

June 4, 2017 – 1:05 am | Comments Off on B’haalotcha: Club Rules2,964 views

The Hand-Book
When you first join a club, you obey all the club rules; you never make excessive noise and never smoke in public places. Yet, seniors at the club play fast and easy with rules, why is that? On your first day of high-school, you study the student-hand-book and memorize …

Shmini : Foundation of the Law

March 29, 2005 – 11:46 pm | Comments Off on Shmini : Foundation of the Law26,548 views
foundation - innerstream

It was a festive day. After months of preparation and seven days of training the priestly family was anointed. They donned the sacred vestments and inaugurated the sacrificial rite. Aaron, the High Priest, climbed to the top of the altar and offered up a sacrifice whereupon G-d’s presence descended upon …