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Articles tagged with: maturity

New Year Greeting: Growing Up

September 27, 2014 – 10:42 pm | Comments Off on New Year Greeting: Growing Up3,145 views
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New Year Greeting: Growing Up
A new year is upon us. One year chases another, one decade follows the next. Our lives unfold, our circumstances evolve, but how about us? Do we grow as well or are we stinted in our spiritual and emotional growth?


Vayigash: Master of Self

December 16, 2012 – 5:14 am | Comments Off on Vayigash: Master of Self3,253 views
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The Offender
Suppose you were cut off at the supermarket checkout counter, would you make a scene and or take it in stride? If you would take it in stride, let me ask you this. Suppose someone cut to the front of your line and you remained silent, but the person …