Articles tagged with: meditation
Shemot: A Day Is Born

Baby De-Light
In their darkest hour, a time of deep despair, a baby boy named Moses was born to Yocheved and Amram, the leaders of a suffering nation. It took only a glance to notice that this baby was special. A good baby. But aren’t all babies good? Yes, but this …
Chayei Sarah: Finding Sacred Space

The Quest
Human beings are full of aspirations and regrets, ambitions and failures, cravings and discipline, obsessions and the ability to control them. We are fractured beings with fragments that pull us in every direction. This is because we are unable to focus; every time we set our sights on a …
Passover – A Fourteen Step Ritual

Pre Passover Preparation
Once again Passover is on the horizon and, in Jewish homes, the air is filled with excitement. If you are Jewish then your home is probably in a state of disarray with a cleaning crew hard at work. The smell of Windex, Lysol, Furniture Polish and Soap. The …
Vaeirah: Four Steps

Dynamics of Relationships
In this week’s Parsha we read the four expressions of redemption. “I shall extract you, save you, redeem you and take you”. There seems to be a fascination in Judaism with the number four. At the Seder we drink four goblets of wine, we have four matriarchs, Torah …