Articles tagged with: morals
Ki Teze: Victimizing The Rape Victim?

Is it true that the Torah requires rape victims to marry their rapists and the only punishment to the rapist is a fifty Shekel fine paid to the victim’s father?
Kedoshim: Legislating Moral Conduct

Human Rights Commissions
I attended a seminar on Canadian Human Rights Commissions. On the whole the event amounted to a wholesale “Let’s Quash Human Rights Commissions” extravaganza. But I must concede that the tone of the event was rather peaceful. The presenters articulated their call for abolition in reasoned, albeit impassioned, …
Ki Teze: Why Usury is Forbidden

Usury is not inherently wrong. On the contrary, it is critical to the conduct of business . Usury encourages banks to extend mortgages and loans, it enables entrepreneurs to establish or expand their business and it enables ordinary people to purchase homes and automobiles.
Bereshit: Introducing Temptation

What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You
Have you ever known a baby to come out of the womb craving chocolate? Of course not! Parents have the same conversation every time a baby starts eating solids. “How long do you think we can keep him away from sweets?” As long as …
Ki Teze: Asylum for Those in Need

A Timeless Message
This week’s Parsha teaches us that we are morally obliged to grant asylum to those who flee persecution. “You shall not turn over to his master a slave that has been rescued from his master to you” (Deuteronomy 23,16).
Pinchas: Taking a Moral Stand

Moral Courage
Pinchas was a great man and, in our Parsha, was the man of the hour. His fellow Jews sunk to a moral low and their leaders were forced to choose between tolerance and moral vigilance.