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Articles tagged with: mourning

Acharei Mot: Post Shivah

April 6, 2014 – 4:03 am | Comments Off on Acharei Mot: Post Shivah8,644 views
post shivah -

The Shelf Life
I have seen it as often as you have. Someone loses a loved one, family, friends and acquaintances close ranks around them, attend Shivah, coordinate details, bring food and provide comfort. Then Shivah ends, everyone bids the bereaved farewell and return to daily life.
It is now post Shivah, …

Shmini: on Grieving and Joy

April 2, 2006 – 9:02 pm | Comments Off on Shmini: on Grieving and Joy2,656 views
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An Ecstatic but Trying Moment
This Parsha describes a moment of glory for the children of Israel. They had been forgiven for their sin (the golden calf) and as a consolation prize G-d commanded them to build a tabernacle, a dwelling place for the Divine.
