Articles tagged with: murder
Noach: Public Policy

Public policy must be established on principle, not empathy, says Paul Bloom, a psychology professor at Yale and author of Against Empathy: The Case For Rational Compassion. Empathy plays a role when deciding how or how much we should personally help another in need, but public policy should never be …
Vayishlach: O Brother

It had been thirty-four years since Jacob escaped his brother Esau’s wrath. During this time Jacob had spent fourteen years studying Torah and twenty years building his family. He had descended to the immoral pit of his uncle Laban’s home, and emerged unaffected and even stronger for the ordeal. Esau, …
Shoftim: City of Refuge

The Torah tells us that in the messianic era when the land of Israel will expand beyond the borders enjoyed by our ancestors, it will become necessary to designate three more cities of refuge to provide sanction for inadvertent killers. When a Jew killed another inadvertently, the Torah allows the …
Vayera: Selfishness is Cruel

A Very Fine City
The population of Sodom and its environs was “wicked and sinful to G-d in the extreme.”[1] Though the Biblical narrative is light on specifics, the Talmud is more forthcoming. The Talmud relates that they were wicked in body, a reference to sexual promiscuity, sinful with money, meaning …
Shmini: End of Life Care

This You Call a Dilemma?
Just the other night I found myself in discussion with a student who argued that weighing an argument from the perspective of Torah without giving equal credence to chemistry, science and nature is short sighted. I agreed with him, but insisted that considering science and chemistry …
Vaetchanan: Inadvertent Murder

The Refugee
We are all familiar with the modern notion of refugee. Our cities provide a haven of refuge for victims of instability and violence the world over, who petition our country for asylum. When our ancestors entered Israel, they too appointed cities of refuge. However, these cities were not populated …
Vayikra: Is Animal Sacrifice Cruel?

Is it Condoned?
“Rabbi,” I am often implored, “Please don’t tell me that the Torah condones animal sacrifice.” Many believe that animal sacrifice is immoral and ought to be discarded in the modern, enlightened age. When I reply that animal sacrifice is still condoned and that should the temple be erected …