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Articles tagged with: piety

Noach: The Gravity of Piety

October 24, 2006 – 12:58 pm | Comments Off on Noach: The Gravity of Piety2,674 views
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One Righteous Person
When the world is filled with unscrupulous men, what can one righteous person accomplish? Well, that depend on what he set his mind to do. Abraham motivated and uplifted those around him. Noah, well what did Noah do? Noah let them die. Actually, he didn’t just let them die, …

Acharei Mot K’doshim: Journey of Sanctification

April 23, 2006 – 10:06 am | Comments Off on Acharei Mot K’doshim: Journey of Sanctification4,045 views
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A Mixed Message

This week we read a double Parsha Acharei Mot and K’doshim. The first Parsha is a description of the Kohen Gadol, holiest Jew in the nation, in the Kodesh Hakadashim (Holy of Holies), holiest place in the world, on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year.
