Articles tagged with: potential
Lech Lecha: Anything You Want To Be

“Anything you want to be,” is a phrase parents often say to their children. You don’t need to accept any limitations; they are all artificial. If you put your mind to it, you can be anything you want to be.
Sometimes children misunderstand and think that they can snap their fingers …
Toldot: Tapping Our Potential

Double Deceit
Jacob was cooking soup and his older brother wanted a bowl. Jacob offered the soup in return for Esau’s first born ritual rites. Esau didn’t hesitate; he happily surrendered his rites for a bowl of soup.
Simchat Torah: The Dancing Souls

Saved By The Dance
It was a cold autumn day; the skies covered with the perpetual cloud of ash that hovered daily over Auschwitz. A group of fifty young Yeshiva students were herded into the gas chambers, ostensibly for a cold shower. This was well enough into the history of Auschwitz …
Simchat Torah: Circular Logic

Two Types
There are two types of people; the first sees tragedy, the other sees opportunity.
If their homes go up in flames, the first would reflect on the beautiful home that was, the second would contemplate the even more beautiful home that can soon be.
Yitro- Each to his own Level

Deputizing the Students
In this week’s Parsha we read that Moses descended from Mt Sinai and began to teach G-d’s Torah to the Masses. As Moses sat from morning to evening long queues of query laden students formed up and snaked around his tent for miles. Each sought an answer, each …
Chanukah: You Can Make A Difference

Chanukah is a holiday that means many things to many people. To some its potato latkes (pancakes) and dreidels; to others its candles and lights. But, in truth, the word Chanukah simply means dedication.
Toldot: What Is In A Name?

Jacob and Esau – Twin Brothers
We are told that Esau, the older brother, physically mature at birth. The Hebrew name Esav means ‘finished’, or complete, indicating that he completed his growth process. Jacob, the second son, emerged in hot pursuit with his tiny hand tightly clasping his brother’s heel. The …