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Articles tagged with: prophecy

Yisro: Prophecy and Torah

January 14, 2014 – 4:58 pm | Comments Off on Yisro: Prophecy and Torah3,716 views
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The Prophetic Chain
Do you believe in prophecy? G-d is infinite, we are infinitesimal. Does He really deign to talk us?
This was the big question that Jews faced when they approached Mount Sinai. They knew Moses was a man of G-d and believed that G-d listened to him, but they were …

B’Midbar: A Question of Numbers

May 14, 2006 – 4:21 am | Comments Off on B’Midbar: A Question of Numbers2,988 views
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A Small Tribe
In this week’s Parsha we read that Moshe took a census of the nation. A quick scan of the numbers shows the tribe of Levi to be the smallest, with only twenty-two-thousand members. By way of comparison, the other tribes had anywhere from thirty to more then one …

Vaeirah: The Prophetic Experience

January 3, 2005 – 9:38 pm | Comments Off on Vaeirah: The Prophetic Experience3,890 views
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Puzzles and Prophecies
Every once in a while my children ask me to help them with one of the many puzzles in the cupboard. The usual routine has us sit down on the floor where I examine the shape, color and picture fragment of a puzzle piece to determine where it …