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Articles tagged with: purity

Chukat: Withdrawal or Engagement

June 9, 2013 – 3:29 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: Withdrawal or Engagement4,101 views
withdrawal or engagement

The Debate
Our culture is one of robust debate. Hardly a topic is left undisputed by our sages. One of the central debates across Jewish history was that of withdrawal or engagement. Should the Jew be engaged in the material world, actively seeking to better society and environment or should we …

Chanukah: Getting it Right

December 21, 2008 – 1:32 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: Getting it Right10,379 views
getting it right - innerstream

The Loophole
Chanukah commemorates the miracle of lights, but it is much more than kindling a light, Chanukah is about getting it right.
 When the Macabes entered the Holy Temple after it had been ransacked by the Greeks they were eager to kindle the great Menorah (candelabra). However, despite their best efforts, …