Articles tagged with: relationships
Vayikra: Love

True love can only emerge when two people perform acts of love for each other. I am not talking about the shallow love that people describe when they talk about falling in love. That kind of love is skin deep. I am not even talking about the kind of love …
Pekudei: Relationships

All relationships are tricky; spouses, siblings, friends, or colleagues, it doesn’t matter. In the course of all relationships, something occurs to make us question the other’s fidelity. Are they really there for us or are they manipulating the relationship for self-gain?
It can be a friend not showing up or a …
Vayakhel: Love

Shabbat on Saturday
Several weeks ago I was asked why it is necessary to observe Shabbat on Saturday. Suppose I was feeling particularly restful and holy on Tuesday, is there anything wrong with observing Shabbat on Tuesday? Can’t a vast and loving G-d tolerate a Jew that prefers to rest on …
Vayakhel Pekudei: The Temple of our Home

To Live is To Remember
Everyone grieves differently. Some work hard to ignore the memories of a loved one because they are just too painful to revisit, others work hard to preserve the memories because without them they lose the gift of the past. Why should our loved one die twice, …
Ki Tavo: How To Grow A Relationship

An Odd Verse
Many verses in the Torah are difficult to translate, but this one is a real mystery.
“You spoke G-d this day, to be your lord… And G-d spoke you this day to be His people.” (1)
Can you make sense of this verse? If you’re struggling with it you’re …
Vaetchanan: Life’s Little Lessons

Two Stalled Cars
On a family visit to San Antonio I was called upon to demonstrate my mechanical prowess or, as it turned out, my lack thereof.
Vaetchanan: Living for G-d

Three Loves
“And you shall love G-d your lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.” (1) These words are not poetic descriptions of love but precise instructions that define the parameters of the love that G-d desires.
Shoftim : A Refuge from Sin

Should we Forgive?
He is usually a considerate and loving husband but this time was different. During a heated argument he lost his temper and hurled vicious insults at his wife . He was in the grip of rage but never meant to be hurtful. He quickly stopped himself, apologized and …