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Articles tagged with: respect

Korach: Depersonalize

June 21, 2020 – 12:29 am | Comments Off on Korach: Depersonalize1,558 views

The ability to depersonalize is key to social interaction. It is normal for people to disagree, after all, G-d gave us each unique brains and mindsets. It is impossible for us all to see the world the same way. Disagreements are inevitable. But in and of themselves, disagreements don’t jeopardize …

Vayikra: When Small Is Great

March 6, 2011 – 2:27 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: When Small Is Great3,245 views
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The Humble Moses
The book of Leviticus begins with the sweeping majesty of Moses’ first entry into the tabernacle. “Vayikra,” G-d called unto Moses and invited him to the Tent of Meeting. Uplifting and inspiring as the moment was, Moses, understood that small is great, received his honor in abject humility. In …

Noach: Tolerate or Love

October 4, 2010 – 7:23 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Tolerate or Love3,140 views
tolerate or love

Tolerate or Love

Which is the better model, to tolerate or love? Tolerant people respect everyone’s right and wish to do as they please, loving people get involved in the lives of their beloved. They will be right up there in your face, but with love. The others will watch you …

Shelach Valor Of Discretion

June 14, 2009 – 3:10 am | Comments Off on Shelach Valor Of Discretion2,941 views
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The Shared Etrog
I came across a delightful story related by Dov Greenberg about Israeli Nobel Laureate and novelist S. Y. Agnon. Agnon encountered his neighbor, an elderly Rabbi, in a neighborhood Etrog store on the day before Sukkot. Jewish law ordains that Jews obtain an Etrog (citron fruit) before Sukkot …

Chukat: The Poor Man’s Prayer

June 23, 2006 – 5:33 am | Comments Off on Chukat: The Poor Man’s Prayer2,398 views
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He Loves them Anyway
There was a shortage of water in the Jewish camp. They assembled before Moses and disrespectfully demanded water. They grumbled and complained that Moses should not have taken them from Egypt if he couldn’t provide for them in the desert.


Naso: Who Is the Misfit Anyway?

May 28, 2006 – 4:12 am | Comments Off on Naso: Who Is the Misfit Anyway?4,251 views
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A Deeper Meaning
The first verse of this Parsha, tells us to “raise the head of the tribal family Gershon”. In addition to the simple meaning of the words, “raise the heads,” which means take a census; there is a deeper meaning that lies submerged beneath the text. With a little …