Articles tagged with: reward and punishment
Shlach: On The Fringes of Tolerance
![Shlach: On The Fringes of Tolerance tolerance - innerstream](
The Shawl
The prayer shawl is a fascinating garment. It is large enough to encompass the body, but is meaningless until it sports four fringes on each of its four corners. You might think the fringes are more important than the shawl, but think again. The fringes too are meaningless unless …
Ki Tavo: Where is Justice?
![Ki Tavo: Where is Justice? where is justice - innerstream](
Disturbing Questions
I was strolling into a cluster of trees intent on my morning prayers and was accosted by a thief who demanded my money. I don’t know what I was thinking, but here is what I said.
“Look I don’t have any money, but you aren’t going to believe me unless …
Passover: The Secret Path To A Moral Society
![Passover: The Secret Path To A Moral Society Torah Insights into Life and Jewish Observance](
Just Because
When was the last time you did the right thing just because? In a Capitalist society we are taught to ask, “What’s in it for me” before making an investment. Even our charitable contributions come with strings attached. We insist that our dollars be used for causes that serve …
Bereshit: Introducing Temptation
![Bereshit: Introducing Temptation introducing temptation - innerstream](
What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You
Have you ever known a baby to come out of the womb craving chocolate? Of course not! Parents have the same conversation every time a baby starts eating solids. “How long do you think we can keep him away from sweets?” As long as …
B’chukotai: Material Reward
![B’chukotai: Material Reward material reward - innerstream](
An Obvious Question
This week’s Parsha begins with an assurance from G-d that if we observe his commandments he will grant us many rewards including prosperity, safety, peace and national sovereignty. Many commentators have wondered why all the enumerated rewards are of a physical nature, are we not destined for spiritual …
Terumah : Whose Money Is It Anyway?
![Terumah : Whose Money Is It Anyway? whose money is it anyway - innerstream](
The Tele-marketers and I
As I sat down for dinner, the telephone rang and I found myself responding to the third telemarketer of the evening. These calls came after a day spent digging through unsolicited e-mail from countless businesses and organizations. You can imagine my consternation when the doorbell rang as …