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Articles tagged with: ritual

Shlach: Boots On The Ground

June 9, 2014 – 1:37 am | Comments Off on Shlach: Boots On The Ground6,394 views
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I’m often asked how to make ritual exciting. It’s sad, but true that many Jewish children are raised with a ritualistic form of Judaism that lacks spirit and it is difficult for them to be inspired by meaningless rituals that feel repetitive and redundant. My answer is always the same. …

Vayikra: The Power to Please

March 10, 2013 – 5:35 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: The Power to Please2,767 views
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The Sin Offering
The sacrificial offerings in the Temple secured atonement for the inadvertent sins of their bearers. This prompts a question: To bring such offerings is a Divine commandment, how does fulfilling one commandment atone for transgressing another? If your student failed to do his homework but was respectful during …

Vayakhel Pekudei: Ritual With Passion

March 7, 2010 – 12:50 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel Pekudei: Ritual With Passion2,696 views
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The Conundrum
I have a friend, a brilliant intellectual, who does not suffer fools lightly. From time to time I invite him to Synagogue and he reminds me that he does not have much tolerance for those who make too much of ritual and pay little heed to its underlying philosophy.


Tezaveh: A Full Complement

February 21, 2010 – 3:28 am | Comments Off on Tezaveh: A Full Complement2,585 views
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Two Stones
The vestments of the high priest included two beautiful stones that adorned his shoulders. These stones, which were engraved with the names of the twelve tribes, served to invoke the memory of the Jewish nation as the High Priest discharged his duties in the temple’s inner sanctum. In the …