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Articles tagged with: sanctity

The Festival and Shabbat

September 25, 2013 – 4:05 am | Comments Off on The Festival and Shabbat6,829 views
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Sanctity and Joy
When a Jewish festival falls on Friday, it merges directly  into Shabbat. This gives us pause as we reflect on the differences between the festival and Shabbat.


Chukat: Withdrawal or Engagement

June 9, 2013 – 3:29 pm | Comments Off on Chukat: Withdrawal or Engagement4,100 views
withdrawal or engagement

The Debate
Our culture is one of robust debate. Hardly a topic is left undisputed by our sages. One of the central debates across Jewish history was that of withdrawal or engagement. Should the Jew be engaged in the material world, actively seeking to better society and environment or should we …

Vayakhel Pekudei: The Bottom Line

February 27, 2011 – 2:46 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel Pekudei: The Bottom Line2,706 views
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The Generous Economizer
When you see a miser spending money in generous amounts you can assume that something out of the ordinary is afoot. It might be a simcha, such as an upcoming wedding, perhaps a tragedy or an illness. Whatever it is, you would certainly assume an exception before assuming …

Shemini: Bridging Passover and the Weekday

April 14, 2009 – 12:07 pm | Comments Off on Shemini: Bridging Passover and the Weekday2,945 views
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In contra distinction to the rest of the week, Shabbat is a holy day. Though the weekdays lead up to Shabbat and are influenced by Shabbat, they can never become holy; they are forever destined to be mundane. With one exception: The Festivals.


B’Ha’alotcha: Manna and Shabbat

June 5, 2006 – 2:05 am | Comments Off on B’Ha’alotcha: Manna and Shabbat2,719 views
Gathering Manna

A Connection
Our Parsha describes the manner in which the Manna from heaven was delivered to our ancestors in the desert. It has been said that if one forgets which Parsha to read on any given Shabbat he should read the Parsha of the manna. This indicates a connection between the …

Vayakhel : Inside Outside

February 1, 2005 – 6:57 pm | Comments Off on Vayakhel : Inside Outside3,109 views
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The Air Outside
Shortly after the Tzadik Reb Mendel of Horodok arrived in Israel a man climbed the Mount of Olives and sounded a Shofar. A rumor quickly spread that the Shofar’s call heralded the arrival of Moshiach. When word of this reached Reb Mendel, he threw the windows wide open …