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Articles tagged with: security

Bo: Mezuzah: G-d and Me

January 9, 2013 – 2:33 am | Comments Off on Bo: Mezuzah: G-d and Me4,444 views

Home Security
House burglaries are a common form of theft and the installation of home security systems is a big business. There are many options. Some bar their windows, others install cameras and yet others alarms. Some bolt their doors and others reinforce their locks, but when all is said and …

Vayechi: True Guardians

January 2, 2009 – 4:57 am | Comments Off on Vayechi: True Guardians4,005 views
true guradians - innerstream

Protect or Destroy
Listening to media reports about Gaza and Hamas, I wondered how a terror group came to be viewed as a legitimate government. When did we start treating those who blow themselves up on buses and lob rockets into kindergartens as soldiers in a legitimate army? How did the …