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Articles tagged with: slavery

Passover: The Freedom To Commit

April 17, 2011 – 2:56 am | Comments Off on Passover: The Freedom To Commit5,028 views Torah Insights into Life and Jewish Observance

The Burden of Freedom
What does freedom mean to you? Thousands of people dream every day of wealth, fame and freedom from life’s drudgery. They are tired of poverty and penny counting, tired of overworking and constantly answering to employers. They want wealth and power; they want to be free.Those who …

Passover: Freedom in Captivity

April 13, 2008 – 6:11 am | Comments Off on Passover: Freedom in Captivity5,831 views
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The First of Nissan
The Pascal Lamb was offered in celebration of our ancestors’ liberation from Egypt, yet it is curious that G-d gave the instructions for this Mitzvah while our ancestors were still enslaved in Egypt. (1)


Mishpatim : The Six Year Bondsman

February 1, 2005 – 11:37 am | Comments Off on Mishpatim : The Six Year Bondsman5,787 views
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Automatic Liberty?
Our Parsha teaches that a Jew may be sold into servitude for six years but on the first day of the seventh year the slave is automatically granted full liberty. (1) This law evokes images of a spontaneous transformation from princess to pumpkin at the stroke of midnight. …