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Articles tagged with: social distancing

Vayikra: Healthy Distancing

March 22, 2020 – 5:17 pm | Comments Off on Vayikra: Healthy Distancing2,215 views

Healthy distancing is a phrase I coined to replace the term social distancing. As I wrote last week, we are distancing for healthy purposes, not for social purposes and we must do out utmost to ensure that our healthy distancing does not result in social distancing.
Jews are careful to avoid …

Vaykahel Pekudei: Social Distancing

March 17, 2020 – 11:20 pm | Comments Off on Vaykahel Pekudei: Social Distancing1,421 views

Social distancing connotes the two-meter distance that we maintain to prevent the spread of the dreaded Covid-19. Personally, I dislike the term social distancing because it sounds like we are imposing a social distance, when in fact we are only imposing a physical distance. Socially, we must make an even …