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Articles tagged with: suffering

The Nine Days: Suffering Leads to Growth

July 22, 2012 – 5:49 am | Comments Off on The Nine Days: Suffering Leads to Growth5,759 views
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Why Nine?
Life isn’t a coincidence. Everything has meaning, it’s all “Bashert” [providential]. In 350 BCE and again in 69 CE, during the days leading up to the destruction of the Temple, our ancestors suffered greatly. The Babylonian forces and later the Roman Legions ransacked Jerusalem and brutalized the inhabitants. Every …

Chayei Sarah: Faith and Suffering

November 16, 2008 – 2:08 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Faith and Suffering2,756 views
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Does Faith Leave Room for Grief?
I was once approached by a young lady whose friend’s mother had recently died. She wanted to commiserate and cry, but was concerned that tears of grief would somehow compromise her perfect faith in G-d’s perfect benevolence. Does acknowledging the horror of a tragedy suggest …

Vaeira: Helpful Reminders

December 24, 2006 – 7:09 am | Comments Off on Vaeira: Helpful Reminders2,692 views
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Bad Habits
I was in a rush the other day and in my haste made a mess of practically everything I touched. Yet I couldn’t relax. I commented to my wife that rushing never speeds up the process, but I would probably keep rushing anyway till I either hurt myself or …

B’Midbar: A Question of Numbers

May 14, 2006 – 4:21 am | Comments Off on B’Midbar: A Question of Numbers2,987 views
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A Small Tribe
In this week’s Parsha we read that Moshe took a census of the nation. A quick scan of the numbers shows the tribe of Levi to be the smallest, with only twenty-two-thousand members. By way of comparison, the other tribes had anywhere from thirty to more then one …

Shemot: Empathy in the Face of Suffering

January 15, 2006 – 10:13 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: Empathy in the Face of Suffering3,227 views
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A Mother’s Pain
A mother returned from her child’s funeral and approached the master. Through her tears, she begged him to tell her why her beloved child had had to die. The master asked her, “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes, of course I do” she replied.

“Are you sure?” asked the …