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Articles tagged with: Sukkah

Sukkot: Can We Top Yom Kippur

September 28, 2012 – 4:07 am | Comments Off on Sukkot: Can We Top Yom Kippur4,671 views
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The Nature of Return
It happened once on the day after Yom Kippur that Rabbi Yosef Yitzchack Shneerson, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad asked his father, Rabbi Sholom Ber, “what now?” How do we top the pinnacle of holiness that we experienced on Yom Kippur? His father replied, “Now the work …

Sukkot: No Strangers In the Sukkah

October 9, 2011 – 6:56 pm | Comments Off on Sukkot: No Strangers In the Sukkah4,196 views
Boatlift Evacuation

Sharing Humanity
Have you ever experienced a bond of common humanity with a perfect stranger? One moment you were a stranger the next moment you were one, caring as much about what happened to him as to yourself. Under ordinary circumstances this common bond doesn’t surface, but under extreme circumstances it …

Sukkot: Our Wholesome Oneness

September 21, 2010 – 9:41 pm | Comments Off on Sukkot: Our Wholesome Oneness6,531 views
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The Thatched Roof
The Sukkah is the ultimate equalizer. The prosperous and the impoverished, the knowledgeable and the ignorant, the righteous and the ruffian; all sit in the same Sukkah. And all Sukkahs are alike. It is true that some are adorned and others plain, some plush and other simple, some …

Sukkot: Inside Outside

September 24, 2007 – 6:25 pm | Comments Off on Sukkot: Inside Outside5,673 views
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The Outdoors
In his book, “Inside Outside,” Herman Wouk describes the struggle of living a Jewish life in a non Jewish society. It is a masterful description of living by one set of values at home and encountering a different one on the street.


Sukkot: The Sukkah Paradox

September 10, 2006 – 5:54 am | Comments Off on Sukkot: The Sukkah Paradox2,657 views

The Sukkah Paradox
For eight days I abandon the comforts of home and move into a backyard hut, a temporary shelter called a Sukah. My Sukkah is buffeted by wind and chilled by the cold, yet as I sit inside, I am happy.  I lift my eyes and behold the panorama …