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Articles tagged with: transformation

Naso: Transforming The Desert

May 21, 2006 – 3:26 am | Comments Off on Naso: Transforming The Desert2,338 views
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A G-dless Environment
The Temple service, described in our Parsha, was held in an arid and barren locale, the desert. G-d charged our ancestors with a special mission: transform the desert and make it bloom, bloom with the flowering blossoms of spirituality. In our day we have a similar mission: transform …

Emor: Beyond the Highest Point

April 30, 2006 – 5:27 pm | Comments Off on Emor: Beyond the Highest Point2,338 views
the highest point - innerstream

On the Morrow of Shabbat
In this week’s Parsha we learn of the Mitzvah to count the Omer. The Torah tells us that the count begins on the morrow of Shabbat and continues for seven weeks. Tradition teaches that the word Shabbat here is to be understood as the holiday of …

Tzav: Transformation From Within

April 2, 2006 – 9:04 pm | Comments Off on Tzav: Transformation From Within6,172 views
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In Love
A young man was set up on a “shidduch” date. After the first date he told his mother that he was impressed with the young lady’s character, but not with the shape of her nose. After several further dates the young man fell in love. When his mother asked …

Passover – A Fourteen Step Ritual

March 21, 2006 – 5:29 pm | Comments Off on Passover – A Fourteen Step Ritual60,118 views
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Pre Passover Preparation
Once again Passover is on the horizon and, in Jewish homes, the air is filled with excitement. If you are Jewish then your home is probably in a state of disarray with a cleaning crew hard at work. The smell of Windex, Lysol, Furniture Polish and Soap. The  …

Purim: Celebrating the Inner Battle

March 13, 2006 – 5:24 am | Comments Off on Purim: Celebrating the Inner Battle2,904 views

A Curious Distinction
Among the many rituals observed during the holiday of Purim are those of Mishloach Manot, sending food baskets to fellow Jews, and Matanot Laevyonim, sharing gifts with the poor.
