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Articles tagged with: weed

Matos Masei: Marijuana and Knives

July 8, 2018 – 9:38 pm | Comments Off on Matos Masei: Marijuana and Knives2,497 views

Marijuana and knives, what’s the connection?
In his book, The Better Angels of Our Nature,[1] Steven Pinker writes that he always had a difficult time with the rule of etiquette that doesn’t permit using a knife to shovel food onto the fork. He writes that after working without success to coax …

Pinchas: Passover and Marijuana

July 1, 2018 – 12:06 am | Comments Off on Pinchas: Passover and Marijuana7,013 views

What can possibly be the connection between Passover and marijuana? Well on Passover we ask questions, and when you are high on Marijuana, well let’s just the say the questions don’t seem to matter anymore. . . This may sound facetious but bear with me. I am being serious.
Canada recently …

Balak: Weed is Now Legal

June 24, 2018 – 12:52 am | Comments Off on Balak: Weed is Now Legal3,208 views

Canada has recently legalised weed, so we must ask, what is the Jewish perspective on weed?
Marijuana, or weed as it is known in the vernacular, is a derivative of the cannabis plant. On the surface, plants are kosher. The only thing to avoid when eating plants, are bugs, and by …