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Articles tagged with: Purim

Purim: The Boring Moments

March 12, 2022 – 9:47 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Boring Moments1,120 views

The boring moments are, well, boring. Why do we need them, can’t G-d just give us a short life filled with thrills rather than a long life with long stretches of boring moments? Who wants to be stuck in traffic or wait on line at the supermarket? Who wants to …

Purim: The Divine Curveball

March 20, 2016 – 4:39 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Divine Curveball2,749 views

The Curveball
Can you believe its almost April? With the baseball season only days away, my mind turns to my non existent curveball. You see, the curveball is one of the many reasons I will never be a pitcher. My curveball just doesn’t curve. I can throw it straight, fast or …

Purim: Reversring Assimilation

March 9, 2014 – 3:08 am | Comments Off on Purim: Reversring Assimilation6,894 views
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Inadvertent Slide
Purim celebrates the reversal of assimilation. The Talmud teaches that well before Haman, Jews in Persia had begun a slide into assimilation. There were Jews in the highest enclaves of commerce and government.[1] They were admitted into the most exclusive social clubs. And when the Persian king, Achashverosh, gave …

Purim: Every Moment Counts

March 13, 2006 – 5:33 am | Comments Off on Purim: Every Moment Counts2,802 views
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Every Moment Counts
The Midrash tells us that the in the merit of our matriarch Sarah’s one hundred and twenty seven righteous and meritorious years, her descendant, Esther, reigned over one hundred and twenty seven countries.


Purim: Celebrating the Inner Battle

March 13, 2006 – 5:24 am | Comments Off on Purim: Celebrating the Inner Battle2,904 views

A Curious Distinction
Among the many rituals observed during the holiday of Purim are those of Mishloach Manot, sending food baskets to fellow Jews, and Matanot Laevyonim, sharing gifts with the poor.


Purim: The Meaning of Masquerade

November 2, 2005 – 4:33 am | Comments Off on Purim: The Meaning of Masquerade3,012 views
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The Purim Ritual
Each Jewish holiday has a unique method of celebration. Chanukah is celebrated with the kindling of eight lights. Passover is celebrated with a special diet that requires Jews to eat unleavened bread and prohibits the use of leavened bread. Shavuot is observed through the study of Torah. Each …

Purim : The Inebriated State

March 23, 2005 – 10:26 pm | Comments Off on Purim : The Inebriated State2,979 views
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Holiday Revelry
My earliest Purim memories are joyous. Festive gatherings and celebrations were held in the synagogues while jubilation and dancing dominated the streets. Young and old, rich and poor, celebrated side by
side; jovial, reveling and genuinely happy.


Rabba’s Astonishing Purim

November 12, 2004 – 4:42 pm | Comments Off on Rabba’s Astonishing Purim3,025 views
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The Party
The Talmud relates a Purim story that at first glance seems astonishing. The great sage Rabba invited his contemporary Reb Zeira for the Purim Feast. During the course of dinner, intoxicated by wine, Rabba rose and slaughtered Reb Zeira. In the morning, Rabba prayed for a miracle and Reb …