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Home » Yom Hazikaron

Yom Hazikaron: We Remember

Submitted by on May 10, 2019 – 9:23 amNo Comment | 1,977 views

Sweeping vista
Lifeless plane
Victory hollow
Heart of pain


Land mass strewn
friend and foe
Lie forever
Battle throe


Sand storm rising
Sinai beckons
A soul asunder
Wanders, reckons


Patience try
Today on high
Was it worth it
An anguished sigh


A rising wave
A tidal crest
We won the war
We lost our best


Victory sweet
A price so steep
Oh please dear G-d
My brother keep


Sinai captured
Fires cease
Dead, secure
A lasting peace


Will our neighbors
See the light
Will they give up
The endless fight


Your loss protected
The lives of others
A grateful country
Sisters brothers


You gave your life
You formed a nation
A sacrifice
For generations


In death you serve
We cry forever
We live for you
But see you never


Your body broken
A missile a mine
Your soul complete
A sacred shrine


A burning coal
A glowing ember
Eternal hero
We remember