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Articles by Lazer Gurkow

Are We Equal?

May 18, 2024 – 10:56 pm | Comments Off on Are We Equal?220 views

Are we truly equal? We all know someone smarter, wiser, more capable, industrious, resourceful, or creative, than us. We also know people less wise, capable, industrious, resourceful, or creative than us. So, are we truly equal?
The answer is yes, but not because we are all equally capable. Our skill sets …

Free Palestine?

May 12, 2024 – 4:01 pm | Comments Off on Free Palestine?250 views

I was walking home after services on Friday night and passed someone who raised his arm and screamed, “Free Palestine”. I said nothing in response but thought, “I hope Palestine is free, dear chap now that you’ve done your part. And I hope you sleep well, dear chap now that …

Heal Your Fractured Self

May 4, 2024 – 10:39 pm | Comments Off on Heal Your Fractured Self203 views

We all have two dimensions: the inner wholesome, beautiful self that is a fount of integrity, honesty, determination, and love. Then we have the outer fractured self that is filled with cravings, greed, lust, flightiness, envy, unhealthy competitiveness, bias, anger, resentment, insecurity, etc. The goal is not only to transition …

Hamas College Takeovers

April 25, 2024 – 11:53 pm | Comments Off on Hamas College Takeovers268 views
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - APRIL 21: For the fifth day, pro-Palestinian students occupy a central lawn on the Columbia University campus, on April 21, 2024 in New York City. Earlier in the week over 100 students were arrested by the police and suspended by the university for demonstrating against the war in Gaza and demanding the University divest from Israel.  (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)

Over the past week, we have seen anti-Israel college takeovers with protestors openly declaring their desire to kill Jews and to render Israel—from the river to the sea—Juden Rein. The brazen tactics and bullying have left many Jewish students and faculty members afraid to venture onto campus. As we approach …

Miracle of Miracles

April 17, 2024 – 5:42 pm | Comments Off on Miracle of Miracles341 views

The greatest miracle of our times, on par, perhaps, with that of the Six-Day War, occurred last Saturday night. More than 360 missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles were dispatched by Iran to Israel. The intention was to destroy defensive infrastructure, wreak mayhem and havoc, and destroy Jewish lives.
Some of the …

Four Questions That End Suffering

April 13, 2024 – 11:00 pm | Comments Off on Four Questions That End Suffering300 views
end suffering

We will sit down to the Seder this year while our people suffer. Israel faces simultaneous attacks by Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen, Iraq, and Iran. More than a hundred Jews are still in captivity. Antisemitism is rampant and acceptable again in coffee shops, public squares, public schools, and college campuses.
The saga …

Giving Is The Secret To Happiness

April 7, 2024 – 8:06 am | Comments Off on Giving Is The Secret To Happiness303 views

Giving is the secret to happiness. People who think they can be happy from taking or even receiving quickly learn how wrong they are. Do you think Vladimir Putin will be happier if he takes Ukraine? Well, ask him if taking the Crimea made him happy. If he were happy …

Can Israel Survive Alone?

March 30, 2024 – 10:11 pm | Comments Off on Can Israel Survive Alone?371 views
United Nations Security Council meets after Russia recognized two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent entities, in New York City, U.S. February 21, 2022.  REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Shemini: Can Israel Survive Alone?
In 1972, Yitzchak Rabin served as Israeli Ambassador to the United States. He had an audience with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who asked him if he felt he was alone among the 120 states represented in Washington. The Rebbe explained that “am levadad Yishkon”—our nation dwells alone …