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Rosh Hashanah: The Child’s Cry

November 12, 2004 – 5:18 pm | Comments Off on Rosh Hashanah: The Child’s Cry
child's cry

The story is told of a great rabbi who was up late at night deeply engrossed in Torah study together with his study partner. At that moment one of his partner’s children was awakened by a nightmare and began to cry. The rabbi, his concentration disturbed, arose from his studies …

Rabba’s Astonishing Purim

November 12, 2004 – 4:42 pm | Comments Off on Rabba’s Astonishing Purim
Purim - innerstream

The Party
The Talmud relates a Purim story that at first glance seems astonishing. The great sage Rabba invited his contemporary Reb Zeira for the Purim Feast. During the course of dinner, intoxicated by wine, Rabba rose and slaughtered Reb Zeira. In the morning, Rabba prayed for a miracle and Reb …

Shofar and Rosh Hashanah

November 12, 2004 – 4:28 pm | Comments Off on Shofar and Rosh Hashanah

Wake Up Call
The Shofar is our wake up call, it reminds us to turn to G-d. Throughout the long year Jews are caught in the stream of life, pressures and worldly considerations take their toll. We stray from the proper path leaning to the material rather then the spiritual, tending …

Law of Return

November 12, 2004 – 4:25 pm | Comments Off on Law of Return

Many have wondered about Israel’s “Law Of Return”, a policy that grants all Jews, regardless of background or citizenship, the right to instant Israeli absorption and citizenship. This law has been roundly criticized as a policy of racism.The condemnation sounds rational and acceptable to those uninformed of Jewish nuance and …

New Years Greeting 5763: Tears for Israel

November 12, 2004 – 4:22 pm | Comments Off on New Years Greeting 5763: Tears for Israel
Shana Tova

New Year is almost upon us and we prepare to greet it with the usual
pomp. This year however, the celebration will lie as a terrible burden
upon the hearts of many. Our brothers and sisters are mourning across
the planes of our beloved land, Israel.Entire
families are mourning the loss of Bubbies and …

Modesty : Look but don't Touch

November 12, 2004 – 3:45 pm | Comments Off on Modesty : Look but don't Touch

aphorism ordinarily associated with storefront merchandise has become a
humorous reference to relationships. “You may look at another person’s
wife,’ goes the common adage, ‘but you may not touch.”

The underlying message is that no harm is done when a person admires, and maybe even desires, a member of the opposite sex.

A friend
once …

It’s been Two Thousand Years Can We Still Be In Love?

November 12, 2004 – 3:41 pm | Comments Off on It’s been Two Thousand Years Can We Still Be In Love?
its been two thousand years can we still be in love - innerstream

On Sunday, the Ninth of Av in the Jewish calendar – we commemorate the destruction of our ancient temple in Jerusalem which was destroyed in the year 69 of the common era. Jewish history is largely comprised of two segments namely, pre and post Temple destruction The first era is …

Toldot : Israel and Beyond

October 15, 2004 – 7:02 pm | Comments Off on Toldot : Israel and Beyond
does israel belong to the jews - innerstream

Our Pasha extols the virtue of Abraham. (1) “He kept my charge, my commandments my decrees and my laws.” The great Commentator Rashi, (Shlomo Yitzchaki, Scholar and author, eleventh century France) explained that Avraham kept all the commandments that were later given at Sinai, including the minute details, the decrees …