In a small village in Lithuania, a young boy named Berel received a bicycle as a gift. Berel loved his bike and drove it every day, including Shabbat. The Rabbi heard about this and announced that Berel should henceforth be referred to as Berel the goy—the non-Jew. Berel heard about …
Read the full story »Do it with heart, is the lesson we learn from the very first words that G-d ever uttered to Moses in the Tabernacle.
The very first time that G-d summoned Moses to the Tabernacle, G-d told Moses, “Go tell the Jewish people these captivating words: I am talking to you, you …
Did you know that your heart can be your temple, your brain can be your temple, your energy can be your temple, and your home can be your temple?
Several months after showing Himself to the Jewish nation at Sinai, G-d instructed Moses to build Him a Temple. At Sinai, every …
Do you live with all you got, or do you hold back out of fear, shame, insecurity, or lack of confidence?
This week we read a special selection from the Torah in honor of the upcoming month, II Adar. It is about the half silver coin. G-d instructs Moses to take …
Have you ever seen a stubborn ox? The Haftorah this week tells the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel. It was approximately 740 BCE and idol worship was rampant in Israel’s Northern Kingdom. Wanting to demonstrate the fallacy of idolatry, Elijah challenged the prophets of the idols to a contest …
Are you desperate for Mashiach? If so, why? You live in the most stable and prosperous generation that Jews have experienced since the beginning of our exile. Why do you need Mashiach? You are not oppressed, suffering, impoverished, or persecuted. You are living well, you have the admiration of your …
Whom do you think is more significant, the giver or the recipient? Most would say the giver, right?
Which do you think was better, the travelling Tabernacle or the permanent Temple? Good question, right?
The Tabernacle was mobile, and it spread its holiness around, the Temple was stationary and kept its holiness …
We often think of ourselves as the little guy. There are all kinds of important people in the world who do important things. I am just a little guy and I do little things.
We even back it up with an argument. The more important something is, the scarcer it tends …
When the Jewish people camped at Sinai, the Torah tells us that they were united. Rather than saying that they camped at Mount Sinai, the Torah says, he camped at Mount Sinai.[1] This draws the attention of Rashi, the eleventh century biblical commentator, who observes, “As one people with one …