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Articles tagged with: business

My Business With G-d

June 22, 2022 – 11:24 am | Comments Off on My Business With G-d2,005 views

Every morning before I don my talit, I contemplate my business for the day. By tradition, I separate out each of the thirty-two strings that constitute the tzitzit—fringes on my talit. The purpose is to ensure that they are not entangled or knotted and that they are all intact. However, …

Terumah: The Crown

February 6, 2016 – 9:56 pm | Comments Off on Terumah: The Crown3,139 views
crown -

For G-d
Three of the Temple’s sacred vessels had crowns around their perimeter. There was a crown around the incense altar, a crown around the show-table and a crown around the holy ark. Our sages taught, the crown around the altar was taken by Aaron, whose children were destined for the …