Articles tagged with: charity
Ree: Smiles on Loan
A Running Servant
I have always wrestled with the following Talmudic teaching.
The Torah states, “If there will be among you a needy person, from one of your brothers in one of your cities, in your land that the Lord, your God, is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, …
Vayakhel Pekudei: Unity in giving
Greed and Generosity
In Fiddler On The Roof, a film filled with memorable moments, the scene of Perchick’s proclamation, “Money is the world’s curse” and Tevye’s defiant reply, “May the Lord smite me with it,” stands out as prominent. Indeed, money is the source of humanity’s greatest friction. Most marital disputes …
Terumah: Our Only True Possession
Receiving Through Giving
“And you shall take for me a contribution,” is the first verse of this Parsha. The fact that it reads “You shall take for me a contribution” and not “You shall give for me a contribution” indicates that he who gives is also a recipient. In fact, that …
Chayei Sarah: The Mark of Abraham
The Worthy Bride
Abraham instructed his servant to travel to the city of Haran to find a suitable match for his son, Isaac. Why did Abraham refuse to consider the local tribes, was there not a single righteous person in the entire country? Also, why did Abraham expect to find a …
Vayera: Generosity Pays
A Pillar of Salt
G-d destroyed the city of Sedom but saved Lot and his family. As they were escaping the angel instructed them to look forward. “Don’t look behind you, lest you be swept away” (in G-d’s wrath.) Lot didn’t look back but his wife did and she was cruelly …
Terumah : Whose Money Is It Anyway?
The Tele-marketers and I
As I sat down for dinner, the telephone rang and I found myself responding to the third telemarketer of the evening. These calls came after a day spent digging through unsolicited e-mail from countless businesses and organizations. You can imagine my consternation when the doorbell rang as …