Articles tagged with: charity
Vayelech: All For The Boss
Three Messages
I always say that it’s better to work for G-d, than for man. Man pays a higher salary than G-d, and every Rabbi can attest to that, but when you need the money and G-d is your boss, G-d always comes through.
Ki Tavo: The Ice Bucket Challenge
An amazing thought struck me. When ice buckets started to rain down on North America, rockets stopped raining down on Israel. I was curious to see if this was true so I went on line to research it.
Pekudei: To Serve Him
Silver Coins
This essay is about silver coins because we will reference it twice in this week’s Torah reading.
The first reference is in the ordinary Torah reading where an accounting is given for the contributions made to the tabernacle. The Torah informs us precisely how much silver was raised and what …
Vayishlach: Donors and Recipents
I am Great
Thirty-six years after Esau vowed to murder his brother for stealing his blessings, Jacob and Esau met up. Expecting a violent engagement, Jacob sent a lavish peace offering in advance of the meeting, but when they finally met, Esau greeted him cordially and offered to return the gift. …
Ki Tavo: Selfishness
Most Unwelcoming City
According to the readers of the Conde Nast travel magazine, Newark, NJ, is the unfriendliest city in the world. This dubious distinction is hotly contested by Newark’s residents, who claim that the magazine’s readers have never set foot outside of Newark’s bustling airport to visit the city, but …
Vayera: Selfishness is Cruel
A Very Fine City
The population of Sodom and its environs was “wicked and sinful to G-d in the extreme.”[1] Though the Biblical narrative is light on specifics, the Talmud is more forthcoming. The Talmud relates that they were wicked in body, a reference to sexual promiscuity, sinful with money, meaning …
Re’eh: Charity From The Heart
Unhappy Giving
I have a confession. I can’t stand being thanked for giving charity. I just hate it when the person to whom I gave a dollar smiles and heaps lifelong blessings upon me. I usually make a dismissive gesture, wait till they walk away, heave a small sigh of relief …
Mishpatim: Whom do You Serve?
One and Others
Have you ever noticed that the classic proclamation of Jewish faith, the call Hashem Echad – G-d is one, can be easily mispronounced as hashem Acher – another G-d? Rather than proclaiming our faith in a single – one and only – G-d we can inadvertently slide into …