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Articles tagged with: convert

Yitro: The Truth Lover

January 27, 2018 – 11:44 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: The Truth Lover2,651 views

Nothing, But the Truth
Have you ever noticed that there is an entire portion in the Torah named after a proselyte? And not just any portion, but the portion that describes the Ten Commandments. Why was this portion named after Jethro, a proselyte?
Our sages explained that this was a tribute to …

Lech Lecha: The Convert’s Soul

October 6, 2013 – 5:58 am | Comments Off on Lech Lecha: The Convert’s Soul8,178 views
soul - innerstream

No Fear
On one of my visits to Israel a dear friend took me on a tour of the ruins of Shiloh. He showed me the remnants of a huge stone wall atop a massive hill and described how formidable the fortress appeared to lone travelers at the bottom of the …