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Articles tagged with: courage

Do You Have The Courage To Be Free?

January 21, 2023 – 9:13 pm | Comments Off on Do You Have The Courage To Be Free?602 views

Do we have the courage to be free? As we read about our ancestors leaving Egypt, we realize that they took a huge leap of faith. In retrospect it seems simple. They left a land of suffering and bondage and embarked on an idyllic journey through the desert where food …

Tazria Metzora: It Is Not About You

April 19, 2020 – 10:18 pm | Comments Off on Tazria Metzora: It Is Not About You1,653 views

The Torah tells us that a Jewish man who contracted skin lesions called tzaraat had to be quarantined until the lesions cleared, at which time, he would bring an offering in the Temple. The offering included (among other things) a cedar stick and a hyssop.
Seeking symbolism in these components, our …

Canukah: Despite the Odds

November 21, 2013 – 6:50 pm | Comments Off on Canukah: Despite the Odds9,597 views
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The Source of Light
In the course of life there are times of joy and of melancholy. When we are surrounded by friends and a constructive support network, when we are successful at home and at work, when we are satisfied with personal progress and development it is easy to coast …

Shemot: A Day Is Born

December 31, 2012 – 2:02 am | Comments Off on Shemot: A Day Is Born3,366 views
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Baby De-Light
In their darkest hour, a time of deep despair, a baby boy named Moses was born to Yocheved and Amram, the leaders of a suffering nation. It took only a glance to notice that this baby was special. A good baby. But aren’t all babies good? Yes, but this …

Toldot: Stop the Bullying

November 6, 2012 – 8:49 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: Stop the Bullying3,703 views
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Tolerating is Enabling
Do you know anyone who does nothing, but expects the world of everyone else? You know, the manipulative kind who never did a stitch of housework but raises a stink if the house is untidy or who won’t be caught dead in the kitchen, but beware if his …

Ekev: Popular is not Always Right

August 14, 2011 – 2:08 am | Comments Off on Ekev: Popular is not Always Right3,083 views
what is popular is not always right

The Market Syndrome
The markets are behaving poorly, stock prices are erratic and investors, whose portfolios have been thinned, want to bail. Is it time to panic? Should we call the stock broker immediately?


Bo: Battling Complacency

January 29, 2006 – 4:49 am | Comments Off on Bo: Battling Complacency2,799 views
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D Day
On June 6, 1944, allied forces launched a major assault against occupied France along the coast of Normandy. In the initial phases of the landing, American forces suffered heavy casualties on Omaha Beach. Communications with headquarters was scant because many radios were either lost in the Channel or destroyed …

Ki Tetze : The Struggle to Improve

September 16, 2005 – 6:09 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze : The Struggle to Improve2,392 views
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The Wayward Son
He was a glutton for meat and drank alcohol to excess. He disobeyed his parents at every turn, mocking their pleas and their attempts at discipline. He refused accept instruction. Instead he sought to instruct his parents.. He demanded that they pay for his excessive habits, and when …