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Articles tagged with: Divine providence

K’doshim: The Manual

May 5, 2019 – 9:15 pm | Comments Off on K’doshim: The Manual1,946 views

The manual for G-d’s creation is the Torah. Just like a manual outlines all the safe and unsafe practices for an appliance, so does the Torah lay out all the proper practices for life.  Just as a manual explains the use of every feature of the appliance, so does the …

Post Shavuot: The Printing Press

May 2, 2016 – 5:20 pm | Comments Off on Post Shavuot: The Printing Press3,107 views

The classic New Year resolution to lose weight is practiced assiduously during the first week. The classic Rosh Hashanah commitment to increase in a particular Mitzvah is also practiced assiduously during the first few days. After the first week or so, life gets in the way and we begin to …

Vayigash: A Recipe for Life

December 28, 2008 – 3:08 am | Comments Off on Vayigash: A Recipe for Life2,698 views
recipe for life - innerstream

I can’t tell you how many times I have been frustrated by petty incidents such as getting caught in traffic or at red lights. These delays frustrate me to no end. I can’t stop thinking of the appointments I will miss or the things I will have to reschedule. The …

Chukat Balak: Divine Providence

July 2, 2006 – 2:41 am | Comments Off on Chukat Balak: Divine Providence2,764 views
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Mother Nature
Before the birth of our youngest son, my wife and I engaged the nurses in discussion about labor and delivery. When they kept repeating the phrase, “Mother Nature knows best,” I was tempted to ask, “Who is this mother you call nature, do you mean G-d?” I wondered how …

Miketz : Divine Providence

December 10, 2004 – 6:29 pm | Comments Off on Miketz : Divine Providence2,832 views
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The Jewish quarter in the northern Israeli City, Tzefas, was subjected to a five-month siege during the 1947 war for independence. When the siege lifted venerated rabbis in the community, renown for their piety and sharp wit, had this to say.
