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Articles tagged with: effort

Vaeira: Doing Our Best

January 6, 2018 – 9:02 pm | Comments Off on Vaeira: Doing Our Best2,228 views

Children And Adults
The roaring twenties were not so roaring for the Jewish community of Poland. The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s trusted disciple, Rabbi Yechezkel (Chatshe) Fegin administered the Chabad network of Jewish schools in the region, but there was always a lack of funding. One day, Rabbi Fegin informed the Rebbe that …

Noach: Mr. Perfect

October 20, 2009 – 8:50 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Mr. Perfect2,598 views
mr perfect - innerstream

Noah or Abraham
We have a friend, who is committed to perceiving everything in life as absolutely perfect. He is a virtual Mr. perfect. He once shared with us that he wakes up every morning and exclaims “perfect, perfect, perfect.” I thought this a wonderful, if bizarre, way to start the …