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Articles tagged with: essence

Chanukah: The Unbreakable Jewish Core

December 15, 2015 – 11:00 pm | Comments Off on Chanukah: The Unbreakable Jewish Core2,632 views
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The Seed
Chanukah is a festival saturated in oil so let’s ask an olive question. What is the most important part of the olive, the fruit or the seed? The fruit is beautiful and useful. It is filled with oil that can be extracted or it can be eaten as is. …

Vaera: Determination

December 22, 2013 – 1:12 am | Comments Off on Vaera: Determination4,166 views
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Hard Heart
When Moses and Aaron first came to Pharaoh they made a reasonable request, let my people go for three days so they could worship G-d in the desert. Pharaoh denied this request and dismissed the miracles that Aaron performed to prove the authenticity of their message. At this point …

Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart of a Relationship

March 11, 2012 – 3:36 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart of a Relationship147 views
Aron Hakodesh

The Ark
It was a building party. Hammers banging on anvils, saws cutting through wood, artisans weaving designs, all crafting, fashioning, designing and building a magnificent home for G-d. They set up the structure and spread out her covers. They readied the altars, show table and candelabra, but before those could …

Shemini: Bridging Passover and the Weekday

April 14, 2009 – 12:07 pm | Comments Off on Shemini: Bridging Passover and the Weekday2,945 views
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In contra distinction to the rest of the week, Shabbat is a holy day. Though the weekdays lead up to Shabbat and are influenced by Shabbat, they can never become holy; they are forever destined to be mundane. With one exception: The Festivals.


Eikev: The Deeper Bond

July 29, 2007 – 5:13 am | Comments Off on Eikev: The Deeper Bond2,958 views
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Opposites attract. They say this is because life with a like-minded spouse is too agreeable and therefore boring. I say, really? Bring on the boredom. Please!


Tazria Mizora: The Priest and the Pariah

April 15, 2007 – 3:26 am | Comments Off on Tazria Mizora: The Priest and the Pariah4,315 views
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There is an ancient tradition by which Jews pledge to charity in the hope of bringing merit to a loved one that has fallen ill. (1) Similarly, rabbis often suggest that performance of Torah commandments stimulates blessing from above.
Doesn’t this rise to the heights of hypocrisy? Is devotion for the …

Tazria Mitzorah: Circumcision – The Mark of Truth

April 23, 2006 – 9:46 am | Comments Off on Tazria Mitzorah: Circumcision – The Mark of Truth16,965 views
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Eight Days
A baby is born, Mazal Tov, now the mad rush begins. Whom do you call first? Parents before siblings, siblings before friends and friends before colleagues. Every call brings new questions: what is the baby’s, weight, size, eye color and, of course, gender. Is it a boy or a …

Tazria: The Power of Circumcision

January 12, 2006 – 3:41 am | Comments Off on Tazria: The Power of Circumcision3,445 views
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Three Gifts
The power of circumcision is such that we are promised three rewards for it – manifestation of the divine presence, eternal ownership of the land of Israel and  preservation of the patrilineal line of Davidic Descent.(1)
