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October 20, 2009 – 8:50 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Mr. Perfect2,672 views

Noah or Abraham
We have a friend, who is committed to perceiving everything in life as absolutely perfect. He is a virtual Mr. perfect. He once shared with us that he wakes up every morning and exclaims “perfect, perfect, perfect.” I thought this a wonderful, if bizarre, way to start the …

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Articles tagged with: exodus

Bo: Hebrew Months

December 29, 2013 – 4:32 am | Comments Off on Bo: Hebrew Months5,118 views
hewbrew months - innerstream

First Month
The Jewish calendar is confusing. The Hebrew months have names, but they are Persian in origin. Why do Hebrew months have Persian names? Another question: These names are not employed by the Five Books of Moses or the Books of the Prophets, when were they adopted into our culture?
