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Articles tagged with: family

Devarim: Family Unity

August 4, 2019 – 9:03 pm | Comments Off on Devarim: Family Unity3,218 views

Family unity is the most important part of Judaism, and the most elusive. Why is that?
What are the Jewish people? We aren’t a race since there are Jews from all different races, white Jews, black, Jews, Hispanic Jews, etc. We aren’t a nation since there are Jews from all different …

Vayechi: A Cast of Brothers

December 15, 2018 – 9:16 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: A Cast of Brothers1,752 views

Joseph and his brothers had a rocky relationship. Over the years there had been some pretty bad times. They resented him and thought he maligned them to their father. For his part, Joseph didn’t help matters when he shared his grandiose dreams that cast him in the role of king …

Vayeshev: My Brother’s Keeper

November 24, 2018 – 9:43 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: My Brother’s Keeper2,416 views

Cain famously asked, “am I my brother’s keeper?” History has not taken kindly to Cain and has responded with a resounding yes, you are your brother’s keeper. But Cain had done ill by Abel. What if it is the reverse, suppose your brother does ill by you, are you still …

Vayishlach: Family Feud

November 26, 2017 – 1:02 am | Comments Off on Vayishlach: Family Feud2,349 views

The worst kind of feud is a family feud. When we feel betrayed by those we love, the pain runs deep, and it is difficult to forgive. Some people won’t attend their grand nephew’s wedding because of a family feud from decades back. Deep pain tends to be lasting and …

Vayigash: We Are Family

December 21, 2014 – 11:22 am | Comments Off on Vayigash: We Are Family2,649 views
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A Pleasant Flight
It was Friday morning and I was preparing to board a flight from New York to Detroit. It was a flight like many others, but for me it was special because though I was alone that morning, I was surrounded by family. The flight was filled with Jews.


Vayetze: Putting Children First

November 23, 2014 – 12:41 am | Comments Off on Vayetze: Putting Children First2,635 views
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Children First
Do you put your children first? Are they an integral part of your life or do they intrude on your freedom? Did you marry only for love or to build a family with the person you love? When you come home, do you have eyes only for your spouse …

Ki Tisa: Family

February 9, 2014 – 5:31 am | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: Family2,962 views
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Two Subjects
The instruction to keep Shabbat appears in the Torah[1] immediately before the story of the golden Calf. On the face of it the two subjects are unrelated, Shabbat is a celebration of G-d and worship of the Golden Calf was an act of apostasy. Yet their juxtaposition must be …

A Modern Chanukah Story

December 25, 2005 – 2:36 am | Comments Off on A Modern Chanukah Story3,326 views
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During the course of this week Jews around the world celebrate the holiday of Chanukah. Chanukah means so many things to so many people. To some it is a spiritual opportunity for reflection and introspection; to reflect upon the historical origin of the holiday and its relevance to modern day …