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Articles tagged with: friendship

B’ha’alotcha: Just Because

June 20, 2016 – 2:40 pm | Comments Off on B’ha’alotcha: Just Because2,871 views

My Favorite Card
The flower shop sells all kinds of cards. Congratulations, sympathy, bereavement etc. My favorite is the, “Just Because” card. You can say it with flowers for all kinds of reasons. Because your wife did or said something special. Because your wife gave birth. Because your wife turned forty. …

Chayei Sarah: Good Parenting

November 1, 2012 – 1:01 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Good Parenting3,017 views
good parenting - innerstream

‘Like’ Me
Do you like friends or love them? I don’t mean Facebook liking, I mean real life liking. Well actually, Facebook has it right. You like your friends; you don’t love your friend unless it’s a very special friend. You love your parents, the question is, do you also like …

Lech L’cha: The Power of Blessing

November 2, 2005 – 1:13 am | Comments Off on Lech L’cha: The Power of Blessing2,716 views

Two Anomalies
In our Parsha G-d makes a powerful promise to Avraham, one we would all have loved to receive. “And I shall bless those who bless you, and he who curses you shall be cursed.” Upon examination, the reader will notice two anomalies.
