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Articles tagged with: gratitude

Miracle of Miracles

April 17, 2024 – 5:42 pm | Comments Off on Miracle of Miracles342 views

The greatest miracle of our times, on par, perhaps, with that of the Six-Day War, occurred last Saturday night. More than 360 missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles were dispatched by Iran to Israel. The intention was to destroy defensive infrastructure, wreak mayhem and havoc, and destroy Jewish lives.
Some of the …

Mishpatim: Throwing Indecent Stones

February 7, 2010 – 4:09 am | Comments Off on Mishpatim: Throwing Indecent Stones2,698 views

Among the pantheon of laws enumerated in the Torah there are many that appeal to human reason and intuitive sense of right and wrong. Law abiding societies would have promulgated these laws even if the Torah would not. Yet, it is important for us to realize that even when the …

Vayikra: Humble Gratitude

March 22, 2009 – 3:47 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Humble Gratitude2,724 views
humble gratitude - innerstream

The AIG Scandal
After accepting a one-hundred-and-sixty-billion dollar bailout from the United States Government, American Insurance Group distributed more than a hundred-million dollars in bonuses and retention fees to its employees; a move that infuriated the congress and the American Public.


Ki Tisa: The Money Trap

March 13, 2006 – 5:24 am | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: The Money Trap2,686 views
money trap - innerstream

Forgetting G-d
Moses was atop Mount Sinai, but he was slated to return the day before. When he failed to return on the designated day, the people worried that G-d may have taken him. They feared that he might never return and asked Aaron to create a new material G-d. (1)


Ki Tavo : The art of gratitude

September 21, 2005 – 11:16 am | Comments Off on Ki Tavo : The art of gratitude2,840 views
the art of gratitude - innerstream

Many Helping Hands
Ben Zoma used to say,”How many labors Adam carried out before he obtained bread to eat! He plowed, he sowed, he reaped, he bound, he threshed and winnowed and selected the ears, he ground, and sifted, he kneaded and baked, and then at last he ate; whereas I …