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Articles tagged with: Halacha

B’haalotcha: Club Rules

June 4, 2017 – 1:05 am | Comments Off on B’haalotcha: Club Rules2,964 views

The Hand-Book
When you first join a club, you obey all the club rules; you never make excessive noise and never smoke in public places. Yet, seniors at the club play fast and easy with rules, why is that? On your first day of high-school, you study the student-hand-book and memorize …

Yitro – When Student Becomes Teacher

January 18, 2011 – 2:58 pm | Comments Off on Yitro – When Student Becomes Teacher7,837 views
Torah at Sinai

Teaching and Giving
Did you know that Jews knew and studied the Torah well before G-d gave it at Sinai? The Torah was taught to Adam, who taught it to Seth who passed it to his children till it reached Abraham, who taught it to the Jews. (1) This begs the …

Vayechi: Let’s Stand Up For Eternal values

December 15, 2010 – 8:06 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Let’s Stand Up For Eternal values2,925 views

The Oldest Trade
A 2011 case in the Ontario Superior Court has attracted media attention. Practitioners of the oldest trade known to man argued in court that laws prohibiting their trade place them in harm’s way and are unconstitutional. A lower Ontario court agreed and struck down these laws, effectively decriminalizing …